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As a member of the YCA you can:
Form new friendships in our network of over 50 branches throughout Yorkshire
Enjoy multi generational get togethers in your local community
Participate in a great range of workshops, talks and activities
Contribute to our range of fundraisers
Bring your range of skills to the Association
Take up committee posts if you want to
You can even set up a new branch
Monthly Newsletters posted to you at £15.00 per year or emailed FREE
and much much more!
Central Membership is currently just £15 per year and each Branch charges a nominal amount for their own membership. Click on the interactive map below to find your nearest branch. Each Branch operates independently so we recommend you try the nearest 2 or 3 branches to find the one which fits best with what you are looking for. Need extra help? Ring our central office on 01904 437588.