Each month we are bringing you 3 new items, something to craft, something to bake and something to recycle.
Our 3 projects for January are:
Last week: Something to bake: Parsnip and Orange cake
This week: Something to Craft: Christmas Card Projects
Next week: Something to Recycle: Plastic Gift Cards
This week we are making Journals from Christmas Cards.
We all love receiving Christmas cards. It's one of our favorite parts of the festive season. But then what do you do with them when the holidays are over? We saw this and couldn't wait to share it with our fellow YCA ladies:
"I hung onto my cards for years, not wanting to get rid of them but not knowing what to do with them. Then one day, I found an image online for upcycled Christmas card books. SOLD. I made my backlog of cards into books and have been making Christmas card books ever since"
Simply select the cards you wish to make into a journal, remove the written side if you want to make a simple writing pad, punch holes in each one and thread the metal binder rings through the holes...voila!! If you don't have binder rings then ribbon or string works just as well.
So once you have made your book, what will you use for?
Festive Recipes?
A keepsake of cards received and treasured wishes?
A photo album?
We would love to see your completed journals and hear your ideas of how you will use yours!
All you need is a hole punch and binder rings, but of course you can put as much effort into making them extra special as you wish with added features...why not insert envelopes so you can keep any letters received too, or customise your cover for the year...even use an old book as the binding?

Come on ladies, lets see how you do!
This is such a simple idea which everyone can do and is so versatile. It has got me thinking.... using an Easter card to make a little collection of Easter recipes, a new home card as a visitors' book etc.. Grandchildren would love doing this!